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The Eriez StackCell mechanical flotation machine uses a separate, high-energy bubble-particle contacting zone de-coupled from a larger chamber for froth/pulp phase separation. This provides an overall reduction in capital and installation costs due to a significantly smaller equipment footprint and lighter support loads when compared to conventional flotation machines. The smaller layout equates to an overall smaller plant which results in lower costs for building and site preparation.

StackCell improves concentrators EBITA through optimized flotation performance. This mechanical flotation cell designed to focus energy to enhance fine particle recovery and improve flotation kinetics. The StackCell's high throughput technology reduces the needed volumetric capacity per cell by nearly 80% while maintaining metallurgical integrity treating the same volume as a conventional flotation circuit.

  • Superior Flotation Kinetics: Lower capital and installation cost

  • Energy Savings: Focused on kinetics, not wasted on mixing the slurry

  • Efficient Froth Washing Option: Higher concentrate grades

  • Lower Residence Time/Higher Throughput: Increased revenue

  • 35-40% Less Power Consumption

  • 60-70% Reduction in Plant Loading

  • 20-30% Savings in Installed Costs

Column Flotation

Eriez Flotation Column is a type of flotation machine that incorporates several features to enhance metallurgical performance. Some of these features include:

  • Reduced surface area to cell volume ratio to promote froth stability

  • Froth washing system to minimise the entrainment of impurities

  • Quiescent flotation conditions to promote selectivity

  • Air sparging system to generate a supply of uniform bubbles

Hydrofloat Separator

Eriez, has designed the new Hydrofloat Separator for coarse particle mineral concentration delivering the capacity of a density separator while maintaining the selectivity of a flotation device. Using a novel aeration system to disperse fine bubbles into a fluidized-bed environment, the hydrofloat Separator significantly increases the selective recovery of coarse particles by applying flotation fundamentals to gravity separation.

Can be applied to:

  • Coal

  • Iron Ore

  • Industrial Minerals

  • Base Metals

  • Sulfides

Applications include:

  • Coarse Recovery in Split-Feed Flotation Circuits

  • Tailings Scavenging

  • Flash Flotation in Grinding Circuits


In mineral flotation applications, EFD SlamJet sparging systems promote the attachment and recovery of hydrophobic particles through the generation of a fine bubble dispersion that is evenly distributed across the flotation column.

EFD sparging systems are designed to generate a large amount of bubbles at the optimum size for the given application. Specifically, they are designed to generate high rates of bubble surface area which guarantees a high probability of attachment and improved recoveries.

In leaching and other hydrometallurgical applications, SlamJet® spargers improve the process kinetics of the vessel contents by ensuring a high rate of gas dissolution.


Eriez’ CrossFlow Separator is a highly efficient hydraulic classifier for the separation of material based on particle size, shape and/or density. This technology can also be used for desliming, counter-current washing and acid neutralization of minerals.

The CrossFlow separates particles based on hinderedsettling principles providing an economical and efficient means of classifying material such as silica and frac sands, mineral sands and industrial minerals.

Ores containing a mixture of high- and low-density components can also be upgraded based on their difference in specific gravity. 

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