IBIS-FB is a revolutionary remote monitoring system, designed to support the assessment of mine blasting. From remote distances, the IBIS-FB safely monitors blast-induced ground vibrations. Using this innovative radar technology helps mines control the impact both on the pit and nearby structures.
Using microwave interferometry technology, IBIS-FB accurately measures remote broad areas for ground vibrations. After every single blast IBIS-FB measures a range of performance indexes at multiple points from remote distances, without the need to physically place any sensor or marker on the slope.

Flexible mobility and quick set-ups
Range resolution (up to 1 m)
High sampling frequency (up to 200 Hz)
Long scan range (up to 1 km)
Broad area coverage (100 X 100 m2 at 1 km)
High measurement accuracy (0.5 mm/s)
External battery pack
Highly durable operates in all weather conditions and temperatures (-30 °C to 55 °C);
Built-in accelerometer removes the bias produced by induced vibrations on the radar