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Pipe Conveyor

The pipe conveyor overcomes several of the problems commonly associated with conventional conveyors ranging from spillage of material, to limited angle of incline, multiple horizontal curves.

The conveyor resembles a conventional troughed conveyor at its tail end where the material is loaded. The open belt then passes through a series of transition idlers to form a pipe shape, which is maintained for the length of the conveyor. Just before the discharge pulley, the belt opens up again and allows the material to be discharged in the normal trough belt fashion. On the return side, the belt is again formed into a pipe shape.

A pipe (or tube) conveyor offers a number of advantages, some of which include:

⦁ Smaller horizontal and vertical curve radius

⦁ Ability to reach steeper incline angles

⦁ Enclosed conveying ensures both material protection and eliminates environmental pollution

⦁ Decreases the need of transfer towers/stations

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